Panacea is up and racing for the summer. She is racing in the CYCA twilight series and the Middle Harbour Yacht Club (MHYC) short series.

The twilights are on every Wed evening and are a relaxed non spinnaker race.

The MHYC race is every 2nd Sat (next race this Sat 20/10) spinnaker optional.

CYCA Twilight
Had our first twilight of the series last week. Fully crewed with 4 we had a very pleasant stroll around the harbour. RBO being active crew with new crew Teresa (I hope Ive got that right if not apologies) and  a good find she is, hopefully she'll be back.
PB directed us around the start and the course and fiddled around with the main. Yours truly pointed the boat wherever PB said.
We had a good start around the middle of the line. Wed twilight is not the race to test if all the other boats know the rules of starting. So we didn't hit anyone no one hit us and we were mid fleet but struggled to get a higher line to the windward mark. We over stood it a bit, well quite a bit really.

Got around eased the sails and had a good chat and seemed to move through the fleet. PB gave a lesson on when to sail the downwind angles and when to just go straight downwind.

And so it was, the sky provided the multi-coloured background. Had a beer on the dock and said goodnight. Don't think we made it for a prize but we had a good time and we don't need a hat anyway.

Considering non of the crew are in their 20's anymore I think we'll call ourselves the twilights.

MHYC Saturday race.
Panacea (known as the rusty pirates) went for a play over at Middle Harbour the other Saturday. A great pointscore idea of racing every second Saturday making it easier to get an established crew.
Left the CYCA in grey wet conditions, just as the Nth Easterly picked up. So motored into the wind and rain, crew looking down and all hoping for some sun.

Magically as we registered with the start boat off Balmoral it stopped raining. Another boat welcomed Panacea to MHYC racing. A little gesture that raised the spirit.

On board we had the Coogee team of Chris and Tracey (MHYC members and experienced racers), Ken looking to get his experience up, Liam silently taking it all in and just reacquainting his limbs with all the boats hard edges, Kate (I'll just be ballast today) and me standing behind the wheel at least looking like he knew what he was doing. The Coogee team guided us round the course and gave advice about sail trim. Everyone a little rusty but soon getting into the groove.

Up went the pole for a run from Store beach to Chowder Bay. Tracey took the wheel I danced on the foredeck and we did quite well, even got the pole down without a hitch. Tracey keeping a very straight course, we headed back to Store beach. tried another run to Chowder but caught in the lee of Nth Head but once free had another poled out run.

Everyone had a good time and for a bunch of rusty pirates did ok. This race and crew (which will be bolstered with some young blood in the form of Shannon next race) have some great possibilities I think. It's a bit more serious than twilights with more knowledgeable fellow racers and so we have a chance of upping the race skills of Panacea. And dare I say the "s" word of Spinnaker may come into as the season progresses. (mentioning it has now put the mocker on it).

So this Sat will be the Rusty Pirates second attempt at upholding Panacea's pride.
Will try and include pics next reports.


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