2 Gentle trips around the harbour

Panacea had 2 races in the last week and both turned out to be beautiful sailing days.
Wednesday twilight was looking a bit iffy, the rain was threatening. So I stuck to the plan of wearing wet weather gear to stop the dreaded wet bum syndrome. This nearly always keeps the rain away (as does washing the car to ensure it rains) as it proved itself on Wed. Everyone was on the boat early which shocked all the crew. We made the start in plenty of time which was a bit confusing.
The wind had a bit of east in it and looked like it was easing. Paul kept us away from a bunch of drifters sniffing around the start boat. As they clogged up we set off at reasonable pace, took the lifts and avoided tacking up the harbour.
Theresa had a go on the wheel and did well, just needs a bit more looking forward rather than up at the wind arrow. Trundled around the mark eased out, up went the pole and out came the beer. We avoided any issues at the marks and gently headed for the finish on the shortened course.
We may not win but we are amongst the first back in the dock. Have no idea where we came but it was a great mid week reviver.

Saturday MHYC race. Saturday dawned threatening rain but as we headed to the start the weather cleared. The wind was light from the Sth East and was predicted to gently swing towards the East. The course was a 3 lap windward/leeward course. The windward mark sat halfway out off South Head. Luckily there wasn't much swell or slop to test any sea sickness.
I made sure that the other boats had a chance by mistiming the start by a minute. Once over the line we were caught up in a new Hanse's dirty air. We tacked away. The Hanse tacked not that much later and had a better run to the mark. The mark was also used by a bunch of Adams Tens and other assorted boats. We avoided any congestion, went around and eased sails.
With the wind light Panacea headed up a bit for speed. The Hanse poled out and took the straight line. We gybed and followed the Hanse around the mark. We miss timed avoiding a ferry and wandered off track until the ferry passed. Tracey spotted the Hanse getting knocked by a windshift so we tacked to more steady air and gained a bit of ground. The last lap was a bit of a repeat though we did take some ground off the Hanse. 3rd over the line and 6th on Handicap not to bad. The start and ferry held Panacea back a bit but we knew the course!
The crew are starting to gel, skills are on the improve and we are all enjoying it. To ease back off from the race we has a fantastic reach back down the harbour with Liam as Cpt Bligh and the crew enjoying a beer. Capt Bligh told a great xmas boat party story as a couple of party boats went past. There was a bit of discussion about bra's and undies, a laugh and another beer. What more could you ask of a Saturday afternoon?
Home and docked and looking forward to the 1st Dec for our last Sat race of the year before starting up again sometime in January.


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