38degrees 43minutes N 9degrees 8minutes W

Lisbon and it's great to be in maritime air. We have totally underestimated what it would be like and are now wishing we had another 3days/weeks or even months to explore this city that one Portuguese lady stated it's a hard city to walk but a great city to walk. The hills are great for the calf's you will be impressed if they last until Sydney.
The link between the City and the water front plaza
We have a small apartment in a laneway in the heart of the Bairro Alto district. The owner, Victor and his wife Paulo  have a "corner store" in the next lane. The store is about 3metres by 6metres with the back third 3 tables that sit 4. All these stores (they are everywhere) serve coffee (often only espresso) and pastries and alcohol.
The coffee culture is pop into your local and have the espresso standing at the counter, maybe with a whisky or brandy or beer.
Victor showed us where he eats, a fish place round the corner. Again you walk in and the first thing is a bar where people are drinking or having espresso. Then the restaurant unfolds behind. Victor introduced us to the proprietor and said they will look after you. And so they did. We need a month to work our way through the seafood varieties and the variety of ways they cook them.
There are bush fire nearby and even though it's 8pm its 29degrees with the smoke scent in the air (we could be in Sydney). How we wish for more time in Portugal it's been a revelation.

Our lane and "deck"

Grace & Max noticed we were the only people who hang out our undies

Feeding the birds that poo on other people

G&M think they have the power to make the fountain rise and fall


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