A new side to Granada

We had a great surprise in Granada. Deciding to take a day off from looking at old things we headed for the Science Museum. What a great place.
First up a fantastic office block nearby with square window up to the second top level. Then a window the full width of the building, a sort of letterbox look. This was a dining room.
The letter box building
We entered the museum and it took 20 minutes to get past the first 3 exhibits.
There were active exhibits of the Coriolis Effect, Einsteins gravity warps. Other exhibits included:
A fantastic space about the human body. Including a comparison of hearts from a wallaby to a whale.
A whole exhibit on Occupational Health and Safety.
A brilliant M.C. Escher exhibit.
What a great day and we didn't see all of it. Unfortunately they had a forum on safety by reviewing the Titanic sinking that was on at a time I couldn't make.

Hoping some genius will rub off

The blood vessels

Everywhere you go
It is refreshing to see modern aspects of places famous for old things.


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